Bernhard Rumpe: Research, Publications and Results
Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen, Bernhard Rumpe

Our research mission: Improving software and systems development by identifying:
- methods, concepts, tools and infrastructures for
- innovative and efficient incremental development
- of software and software intensive high quality systems
- in less time while
- flexibly integrating evolving requirements.
We use model-based development of software (model-based software engineering, MBSE), generative and synthesis techniques, and model-driven digitalisation of system development.
Keywords: Models, MBSE, UML, SysML, Variability, MontiCore, DSL, Modelling Languages, Software Engineering, Agility.
During our scientific endeavour we contributed a number of publications to this mission and the overall approach has successfully evaluated in various industrial projects in the areas of embedded systems, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, IoT, smart buildings, energy, robotics, and cloud systems, but also in administration, e.g. leveraging on the model based formalization of contracts, laws, and standards.
Our language workbench MontiCore [HKR21], is a key framework for creating and processing domain-specific languages. It has successfully been used to demonstrate that code generation increases software quality and developer efficiency. This means, MBSE enables and improves agile development.
Projects include requirements elicitation, as well as cyber-physical function, version, and variant modeling. All this is based on a sound theoretical knowledge of modeling languages and their semantics and our ability to leverage this in industrial practice.
In this site we have collected and grouped especially interesting publications around our main research topics, application domains, and tools. Each topic page describes the our contributions to this topic in a consolidated, compact form.
Further links:
- Publications
- Topic sorted list of most interesting publications
- Books
- Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering / Ph.D. Theses
- Website of Software Engineering at RWTH